Christmas in Norway


I have been in Norway for Christmas four times and each time was a wonderful experience. Norwegians celebrate Christmas on December 24th when they open the gifts that are delivered by Santa Claus (called ‘Julenissen’ in Norway). That’s the day when Norwegians celebrate with close friends and relatives. After their traditional meal, Norwegians usually hold hands and dance around the Christmas tree while singing carols. The most famous song is Så går vi rundt om en enebærbusk, meaning ‘here we go round a mulberry bush. Below are a number of pictures and videos that illustrate the importance of this special day called God Jul

This picture was taken from my home in Vancouver, WA in 2016. I had just gone shopping for Christmas stockings to fill with gifts for my Norwegian relatives.
The Oslo Airport is always festive for the holidays!
2016 Christmas in Averoy with Mohammad and special relatives
My special second cousin-Ase

Christmas Memory Videos

Church Services at the Kornstad Church in Averoy

Vinterland in Oslo


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