My Norwegian friends


I have been blessed to have made not dozens but hundreds of new friends in Norway. All of these friends have made a huge impact on my life. Many are originally from Norway and others are from Syria, Iraq and Palestine. You’ll find the Norwegian people value friendships.

I met Yoseif on a SAS flight from Oslo to Kristiansund. We have been friends since.
One of the best individuals you’ll ever meet. Mohammad was my first friend from Iraq . A genuine individual with a huge heart!

Two Norwegian friends who I met at the Star Alliance lounge in Lisbon on our way to Brazil. Eirik and Bjorn are two exceptional guys.
My sister Julie passed away on July 30, 2016 of brain cancer. A memorial tree to Julie’s memory was planted at the family ranch in Averoy A special thanks to Mohammed (from Palestine) who helped me plant the tree.
Moner is from Damascus and one of my closest friends. Here we are in Averoy
“Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends leave footprints in your heart.”
Mohammed and Moner in Oslo–two exceptional individuals
Ivar and Lilas–the sweetest couple you’ll ever meet.
My friend Jafar in Bergen. An exceptional individual


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